Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Teenage Anger Now Has A Body Count Of 4

And by "body count", I mean "the number of stores I had to go to before I could find some @*#$ING SHAMPOO"!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, I could have bought all kinds of shampoo at one of the millions Sparty's all over campus. One problem: THEY ONLY SELL WOMEN'S SHAMPOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This concludes my rant.

I still have nothing for you. I'm working on something earth-shattering, but it's be a day or two before I have all the information.

Until then, amuse yourselves with this:


It's fun, it's free and best of all, it's 100% legal.

It's a word game. You're given a word and have to match it to one of four other words. For every correct match you make, 10 grains of rice are donated to African families.

Also be sure, to look at the bottom-right corner for your vocabularly level. There are 50 levels and apparently no one's got past 48. My record's 37.

Good night, everyone, and good luck.

The Night Stalker


Anonymous said...

My Vocabulary level is 43 and I hope that you were smart enough to buy more then one bottle of shampoo, considering the problems you had.

TheNightStalker said...

It's only a five minute walk, and I'm cheap.

Anonymous said...

Dude - shampoo is shampoo. It doesn't matter what it says on the bottle - women's shampoo, men's shampoo, dog shampoo - there's really not much difference.

I've even used washing up liquid sometimes. Not that I'd recommend it.

TheNightStalker said...

That's exactly what I should have done. For the life of me, I don't why I didn't. Must not have been thinking clearly.

Kyle said...

I swear I've read this exact thing elsewhere...

starrytrekchic said...

he had part of it in his sig on the bc...

I remember wondering about it at the time, but didn't actually ask...

*clicks on kyle's blog*