Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Cheated Death. Thspt!

So there I was, tied to a chair in a Nazi castle. The room was on fire. Why? Because my dad dropped the lighter he was supposed to be using to burn through the ropes.

...Wait a minute...

OK, disregard that last bit. Apparently, posting while watching the Last Crusade is a bad idea.

Anyway, not one half hour after I had posted my first installment, I was lying in bed. I rolled over and scratched my arm. On my pillow. Or rather the needle that was sticking out of my pillow.

How did a needle get inside my pillow? I have no idea. It was a knitting needle, by the way, so there's no danger of me being infected with God knows what.

Yeah, I know, a needle. Not very threatening, right? But imagine if I had been asleep. When it scratched me, it could have been my Jugular vein instead of my arm. Or my eye.

At any rate, that was the most interesting thing that happened to me today. Aside from giving a presentation and taking a test on four hours of sleep.

So, good night, everyone, and good luck.

The Night Stalker

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