Thursday, November 15, 2007


EDIT- For some reason Blogspot is now saying this was posted on the 15th. Ihave no idea why.It wasn't. It was posted on the 14th.

It's astounding! Just one short week after my ground-breaking, award-winning article on Sasquatch, the Fortean is once again buzzing over new reports of the elusive creatures.

Glen St. Mary, Florida has been treated to a rash of sightings of Sasquatch. And this time, they got a clear picture!

So can read more about it at the below link, if you want, but I promise you, there is no way that is not an orangutan.

It's disappointing, but as Freud said, "sometimes an orangutan is just an orangutan."

Good night, everyone, and good luck.

The Night Stalker

PS. Yes, the title was taken from the Colbert Report. One of the few good things to come off of that show.

PPS. In the future I would advise that Mr. Colbert leave the reporting to the real journalists...

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