Tuesday, January 8, 2008

One *More* Driving Hazard

A man recently ran his car into a pole. His excuse: a pterodactyl distracted him.


Before you call Bedlam, listen to this:

Many years ago, French miners started hammering into the wall of cave. Suddenly one of them broke off some rock and something, a creature who's description is consistent with a pterodactyl, was set free.

It was still alive!

But not for long. It fell to the ground, sputtered and died. Similar stories with toads and frogs have also been recorded.

Still want this guy in a straight jacket. Wait, there's more:

Pterodactyls are regularly sighted in the African Congo.

So take my advice: the next time you find yourself behind the wheel, buckle up, keep your eyes on the road and break for extinct reptiles.

Good night and good luck.

The Night Stalker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase that song "It's raining pterodactyls"