Monday, December 3, 2007

You *Need* A Bit Of Shock Treatment

No, seriously. I've been pretty sluggish lately, but after having a session with my psychiatrist, he prescribed some electroshock therapy. I'm telling you, I've been jumping like a real live wire all day!

Scratch that; shock treatment is *BAD*. Almost as bad as frontal labotomies. And as my Psych prof is fond of saying, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal labotomy."

Basically, with finals week coming up, I have no idea how much I'm going to be able to write each day. So, you can amuse yourself with this:

This German-made (don't panic; there's an english translation) game allows you to play shrink to a group of abused and clinically insane cuddley toys.

Hint: If you drag the cursor around the bed near the floor, you'll find the shock treatment device.

Hint: So far, only one cuddley toy needs shock threatment.

Warning: Too much shock treatment will kill the cuddley toy.

It's a pretty fun game, though very morbid.

While your playing, I recommend listening to this:

And now a piece on Cruel Intentions.

I actually have no idea what to say about this. I don't whether I liked it or not. After watching it, I had the reaction that I usually reserve for Quentin Tarantino flicks: I blinked twice in quick succession. My first question was "Do I like this?" My second was "Am I allowed to like this?" I can see it now:

St. Peter- Have you ever seen Cruel Intentions?
Me- ...Yes.
St. Peter- Did you like it?
Me- Why, yes.
St. Peter- You go to Hell!

Anyway, if you like movies like Dangerous Liasions, it's a pretty safe bet you'll like this.

Next on my "To View" list is Invasion of the Body Snatchers, starring Donald Sutherland (who played Hawkeye in MASH) and Leonard Nimoy (who was the host of "In Search Of...")

Good night, everyone, and good luck.

The Night Stalker


starrytrekchic said...

I never know if you're joking or not..did you *actually* get shock treatment...?

Anyhoo, I'm off to defeat...I mean, cure...another one of these blighters...I mean, patients.

TheNightStalker said...

No, that was a joke. And I'm not seeing a shrink either.

starrytrekchic said...

Ah okay.

I've now defeated four of them...and if the turtle doesn't stop crieing soon, I'm going to cook him in his own shell.

starrytrekchic said...

*really wants to off the turtle*

TheNightStalker said...

*Really Thinks You Should Read My Hints More Carefully*

Anonymous said...

I did read them! carefully, even!


*throttles stuffed turtle*

Stupid blogger keeps logging me out now...not sure why...